Vivid Logo VIVID Web Components



Set the font custom properties of your choice (or all) to override the default typography styles with your own.

<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
  :root {
  --vvd-typography-heading-4: 500 20px/1.4 Georgia;
  --vvd-typography-base-code: 400 16px monospace;
  --vvd-typography-base-bold: 500 16px Georgia;
  This header typeface is set by '--vvd-typography-heading-4' 
 * This block of code typeface is set by '--vvd-typography-base-code'
<vwc-button appearance="filled" label="This button typeface is set by '--vvd-typography-base-bold'"></vwc-button>

Font size

Use --vvd-size-font-scale-base to define the base font size which all typefaces sizes are based on.

  • Default: '16px'

Note that when using the core styles with the vvd-root class set on the root element (i.e., <html>), the user-agent's default font size is unset (generally default to '16px') and the --vvd-size-font-scale-base custom property is set to '1rem' to ensure end user's font size preferences are respected.

<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
 .vvd-root:root {
  --vvd-size-font-scale-base: 1.3rem;

  This header's title is 30% larger

 * This block of code too

<vwc-button appearance="filled" label="And the button label"></vwc-button>

Typefaces preset

The following CSS custom properties can be referred to style the text in your application with the Vivid design language:

<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
<div style="font: var(--vvd-typography-headline)">headline</div>
<div style="font: var(--vvd-typography-subtitle)">subtitle</div>
<div style="font: var(--vvd-typography-heading-1)">heading-1</div>
<div style="font: var(--vvd-typography-heading-2)">heading-2</div>
<div style="font: var(--vvd-typography-heading-3)">heading-3</div>
<div style="font: var(--vvd-typography-heading-4)">heading-4</div>
<div style="font: var(--vvd-typography-base-condensed)">base-condensed</div>
<div style="font: var(--vvd-typography-base-condensed-bold)">base-condensed-bold</div>
<div style="font: var(--vvd-typography-base)">base</div>
<div style="font: var(--vvd-typography-base-bold)">base-bold</div>
<div style="font: var(--vvd-typography-base-extended)">base-extended</div>
<div style="font: var(--vvd-typography-base-extended-bold)">base-extended-bold</div>
<div style="font: var(--vvd-typography-base-code)">base-code</div>

Using Vivid Typography

The Vivid typography css is optional. To use it, you will need to include the typography styles.

The typography style target both HTML tags and css classes.
All headlines and p elements also get margin-block.
Use the class tight to remove margin-block.

HTML tags

<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
.wrapper { /* for demo purposes */
	display: flex;
	flex-direction: column;
	row-gap: 8px;
<div class="wrapper">
	<pre>pre text</pre>
	<var>var text</var>
	<code>code text</code>
	<kbd>kbd text</kbd>
	<samp>samp text</samp>
	<small>small text</small>
	<small><b>small  + bold text</b></small>
	<small><strong>small + strong text</strong></small>
	<figcaption>figcaption text</figcaption>
	<figcaption><b>figcaption + bold text</b></figcaption>
	<figcaption><strong>figcaption + strong text</strong></figcaption>
	<p>text with <sub>sub text</sub></p>
	<p>text with <sup>sup text</sup></p>

Css Classes

<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
.wrapper { /* for demo purposes */
	display: flex;
	flex-direction: column;
	row-gap: 8px;
<div class="wrapper">
	<div class="headline tight">headline</div>
	<div class="subtitle tight">subtitle</div>
	<div class="heading1 tight">heading-1</div>
	<div class="heading2 tight">heading-2</div>
	<div class="heading3 tight">heading-3</div>
	<div class="heading4 tight">heading-4</div>
	<div class="font-base-code tight">base-code</div>
	<div class="font-base-condensed tight">base-condensed</div>
	<div class="font-base tight">font-base</div>
	<div class="font-base-extended tight">font-base-extended</div>
	<div class="font-base-condensed-bold tight">font-base-condensed-bold</div>
	<div class="font-base-bold tight">font-base-bold</div>
	<div class="font-base-extended-bold tight">font-base-extended-bold</div>